500 000+
Our Story
Initiated in 2017 by founder Cameron Service, The Litterboom Project - TLP - has taken a different approach to tackling plastic pollution through an upstream model.
With 80% of ocean plastic pollution originating up-river, we believe that using the rivers is far more effective for interception measures than beach clean-ups and has been vital in understanding why this is happening in the first place.
Over the past few years, we have successfully been able to prevent over 1 000 000 kgs of plastic from reaching the ocean through the hard work of only a few strategically placed teams. TLP is currently active in 10 Rivers around South Africa - 8 in KZN and 2 in the Western Cape.
Not only do we believe in Litterbooms- as our last line of defense- but we believe in a source to sea approach, which includes land based interception, education and innovation. Read more about the source to sea approach HERE

Our Strategy
We implement a
"Source to Sea" Model
with 3 key areas of focus:

The Litterboom Project is an NPC, with their PBO status, that relies heavily on the support of the local communities, business sector and general public to implement and maintain its operations throughout the country. Without you, so much of the good work being done would simply not be possible.
If this cause is something that resonates with you, we have a number of different ways in which you can get involved and support the project. Follow the link below to learn more.